Book Review: End The Fed

End The Fed, by Ron Paul

This small, lively, and informative book combines several interrelated themes with a very obvious aim: to get rid of the Federal Reserve. The book serves in part as a mildly populist and strongly economic libertarian revisionist history of banking in the United States, in part as a political memoir of Ron Paul’s own relationships with past and present Fed Chairmen and the Fed as a whole and in the political price of independence, and in part as a policy recommendation on how and why the Fed should be ended in moral, constitutional, economic and political cases. The parts work well together and the result is a compelling and well-researched book that serves to introduce its readers to the broader Austrian School of Economics that it reflects in its perspective. It is, in short, a masterful piece of political economics.

About nathanalbright

I'm a person with diverse interests who loves to read. If you want to know something about me, just ask.
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